The Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada,
111 Waterloo St., Suite 600,
London, Ontario
N6B 2M4
Telephone: (519)-642-7755
FAX: (519)-642-7192

The Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada was cofounded in 1982 by Dr.Rolando Del Maestro, a neurosurgeon and Steven Northey, when the Northey's eight year old daughter Kelly died of a brain tumor. Through the efforts of many dedicated individuals, it has evolved into an effective nonprofit charitable organization.

Vision Statement

To find a cure for brain tumors and to improve the quality of life of those affected.

Mission Statement

The Mission statement of the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada is to fund research, provide patient and family support services and educate the public.

Kelly Northey Memorial Library

The Kelly Northey Memorial Library provides books and educational material to patients, their families and physicians. This library is located on the second floor of the Health Services Building, directly across from Victoria Hospital, South Street Campus, London, Ontario, Canada. Visiting the library may be arranged by contacting the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada.


The Foundation funds brain tumor research projects, meetings, as well as laboratory and occasionally hospital equipment. Funds have been allocated to researchers across Canada including those at McGill University, the University of Toronto, Queen's University and the University of Western Ontario. Funds have been allocated to researchers at research institutes such as the John P. Robarts Institute in London, Ontario.

Speakers and participants of various educational conferences related to the subject of brain tumors are sponsored.

The Michael Bell Memorial Lectureship is a yearly lecture funded by the Foundation. An individual with special expertise in the area of cancer treatment or patient care is invited to London, Ontario, Canada.

The Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada was instrumental in helping to start up the Brain Tumor Tissue Bank which is located at Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario.


The Foundation hopes to promote public awareness of brain tumors and to encourage early detection through the distribution of educational materials. A "Brain Tumors Strike At Any Age" pamphlet has been distributed to many school boards in Ontario. This is available to other groups who wish to increase public awareness and promote early detection of brain tumors. An educational package for health care professionals is being developed as well as an education video.


The philosophy of the Foundation is that the more informed people are about brain tumors, the more equipped they are to ask appropriate questions and make informed decisions regarding treatments and care. Through knowledge comes comfort and control.

The Foundation distributes, free of charge, both Adult and Pediatric versions of the Brain Tumor Resource Handbook. These books provide information on the physiology of the brain, diagnosis of brain tumors, treatments and the return to a normal life.

The Foundation presents a yearly Information Day in October where professionals, patients and their families gather to discuss the unique problems facing a person with a brain tumor.

A program of formal support is available for persons with brain tumors and their families. Brain tumor support groups for adults are run by the Foundation on a monthly basis in many cities in southern Ontario. The Foundation funds a Support Group Coordinator who is available to offer support and direct guidance to anyone wishing to start a support group in their area.

Publications Available from the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada

The Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada office has books, other publications, tapes and videos on brain tumors. Patients and their families can borrow these. Visits to our office are always welcome.

North American Brain Tumor Coalition (NABTC)

The North American Brain Tumor Coalition is a network of brain tumor organizations dedicated to increasing public awareness of the dimensions and nature of brain tumors and of treatment options available.

The Coalition hopes to stimulate and focus research that will improve treatments and work towards a cure. The network of organizations is dedicated to providing support for brain tumor patients, their families and friends.

The Coalition shares information, materials and expertise in order to enhance capabilities and/or reduce duplication. This helps member organizations feel that they are at the forefront of what is happening across the country.

It is hoped that each member organization will be able to amplify its impact by taking on initiatives that no one organization would be as effective doing on its own.

The Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada is proud to be a member of the North American Brain Tumor Coalition.

Members of the North American Brain Tumor Coalition