You never know what challenges lie ahead for you and how much your life can change in an instant.
In the Spring of 1990 I had a beautiful new daughter, Natalie, an energetic four- year-old son Brent, and a marriage that seemed stable. When Brent started vomiting in the mornings, our family physician felt it was a reaction to the arrival of his new baby sister, but as time went on it became clear that there had to be another reason. On June 30, 1990 Brent was diagnosed with a brain tumor called medulloblastoma.
I was given a copy of the first edition of this handbook at that time and it became my reference book for medical terminology and procedures, and gave me answers to the questions I had. The knowledge that I gained from the handbook has made me feel more confident when meeting with medical personnel and making decisions regarding treatment for my son.
The authors of this handbook have designed it to be a reference book, a place to keep personal notes, medical records and a resource of important information to which you will refer often. It is the hope of the authors that this handbook will answer the majority of your questions and concerns, or direct you to someone who can. I gained a great deal of comfort through the information contained in this handbook and I realized that people do care and that I am not alone.
Four years later, people cannot believe how much has happened to our family and how much our lives have changed. Brent underwent surgery, radiation treatments and chemotherapy. He is now back at school and doing well. His chances for a long, healthy and happy life increase with each day. To outsiders, he seems like a normal child; they have no idea what he, or "we" have gone through.
Unfortunately, my marriage did not survive the challenge, and our life-style has changed.... but Brent, Natalie and I are very close and we will continue to do everything we can to face each challenge with strength and hope.
This handbook can help you and your family find the same strength and courage. I hope that you will find comfort in its pages.
Susan Spruce, September 1994We, who compiled and wrote this book, are dedicated to increasing the knowledge and understanding of families who have a child with a brain tumor. It is our sincere hope that through this knowledge comes comfort and guidance to improve the quality of life for your child. You are not alone.
Pam Del Maestro RN BScN Shelly Morrish RN BScN Susan Spruce parent Garry Robbins parent
Kathy Watcher's artwork used for the Pediatric Handbook Cover