CareLife home Cancer FAQ

Please keep in mind that mention of a resource on this list does not imply endorsement!

Table of Contents
  1. What's New on the Cancer FAQ?
    #7, #8, #13 and #18

  2. What is the Cancer FAQ?
    The purpose of the Cancer FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is twofold: (a) to provide a directory of services for those interested in cancer and (b) to provide some basic information about cancer.

  3. What is Cancer?
    National Cancer Institute's: What You Need to Know About Cancer

  4. How do I trust information found on the Internet? How can I tell if my physician has ever been sued?

  5. What is Surgical Oncology?
    What is Surgical Pathology and Surgical Pathology as it relates to Breast Cancer

  6. Where can I read Richard Block's expose on cancer.
    You can read it here. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

  7. What about Quality of Life (QOL)? Where can I read articles on QOL? Living One Day at a Time

  8. Do cell phones cause cancer? See the article in the BMJ

  9. Glossary of terms and abbreviations

  10. Cancer Resources on the Internet

  11. Virtual Communities

  12. Ten Commandments on Cancer Surival

  13. Clinical Trials -- What are they and a Directory of Clinical Trials

  14. The "cure" versus "healing" -- what is the difference?

  15. What is the recipe for the "hot candy" to relieve mouth sores?

  16. Are there Clinical Trials on the Web?
  17. What about cancer in animals?
    Also See, and

  18. What do people write about cancer?

Copyright 1995-2020. E. Loren Buhle, Jr., Ph.D. This information may be reprinted as long as the date and maintainer are clearly stated and this is information is made freely available for dissemination.

Page Revision Date: 20-Jul-2011